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SoSafe GmbH of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-244 Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-240b

SoSafe GmbH

Security awareness training and human risk management that puts people first.

About us












We offer

  • Awareness


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • E-Commerce
  • Data center operation

About us

SoSafe, founded by a team of behavioral scientists and technology experts, is the largest security awareness and human risk management vendor based in Europe. SoSafe is empowering over 4700 customers worldwide to effectively mitigate cyber risk. With a unique human-centric approach grounded in behavioral science, SoSafe enhances secure behavior across organizations, making it intuitive and second nature. The platform is designed to strengthen digital self-defense by creating robust security cultures that actively involve employees in mitigating human risks. By leveraging psychology and advanced technology and AI, it enables security professionals to effectively identify, prioritize, manage, and ultimately reduce their human risk. The SoSafe team now consists of more than 500 employees in nine locations: Cologne (headquarters), Amsterdam, Berlin, Chemnitz, Dublin, London, Paris, Lisbon, and Munich.

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cyberrisk management | security awareness | e-learning | Human Risk Management | phishing simulations | cybersecurity awareness


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