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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-244 Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-240b

Personalized Learning



Key Facts

  • Personalized Learning
  • Audit-ready dashboard and reporting make compliance easy and keep you prepared for audits like ISO 27001, TISAX, and more.
  • Our team of psychologists and learning experts continuously design and refine educational experiences that deliver the most engaging, effective, and current training material possible.

Product Description

Behavioral science-based training delivering personalized learning experiences through cyber security e-learning content that’s engaging and interactive. Each learning moment builds stronger security habits.

Our gamification layer boosts user engagement and motivates employees to become more security aware. Blending ‘aha!’ moments with fun, interactive, and story-driven learning builds long-lasting security habits.

- Personalized training delivered through distributed learning, featuring highly targeted content and phishing simulations

- Deeper engagement with e-learning modules due to storytelling and gamification that leverage principles from motivational psychology

- Personalized learning experiences are optimized based on individual engagement scores

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