it-sa Expo | Congress @ it-sa

Congress@it-sa 2024


The accompanying Congress@it-sa offered intensive knowledge transfer and in-depth technical discussions with associations, industry organisations and providers of IT security solutions. Away from the hustle and bustle of the trade fair, Congress@it-sa was the perfect setting for first-hand know-how and intensive dialogue with experts.

Programme overview

NCC East

The Congress@it-sa 2024 takes place in the NCC East congress centre, which offers many options for events and conferences. The direct connection to the exhibition halls guarante short distances from the trade fair to the conference program.

The level overview provides you with an initial orientation of where the individual congress rooms are located.

  • Level 1
    Position NCC Ost Level 1

    Hall Sydney

    Room Hongkong

    Press Center in NCC Ost

    Mercator Lounge

    Restaurant Vasco da Gama

  • Level 2
    Position of rooms in NCC Ost Level 2

    Room St. Petersburg

    Room Kiew

    Room Istanbul

    Room Kopenhagen

    Room Oslo

    Room Riga

    Room Stockholm

    Room Budapest

    Room Prag

    Room Helsinki

    Room Krakau

    Kopernikus Lounge

  • Level 3
    Position NCC Ost Level 3

    Hall Tokio

    Room Shanghai 

    Room Seoul

    Room Neu-Delhi 

    Room Singapur 

    Galileo Lounge

    Restaurant Marco Polo

Other programme highlights

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