About it-sa 365

Compact, informative and solution-oriented - as an industry platform for IT security, it-sa 365 offers you information on new products, solutions, trends, innovations and news from the IT security industry via various formats.

The networking features enable the exchange between IT security providers and experts within our it-sa 365 community.

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it-sa 365

About it-sa 365

Compact, informative and solution-oriented - as an industry platform for IT security, it-sa 365 offers you information on new products, solutions, trends, innovations and news from the IT security industry via various formats.

The networking features enable the exchange between IT security providers and experts within our it-sa 365 community.

Register now!


it-sa 365 is the solution-oriented dialogue platform for IT security. For IT security managers and decision-makers, it offers a contact point for information and expertise on the topic of cyber security. This makes it the perfect digital complement to it-sa Expo&Congress, Europe's leading exhibition for IT security, and creates added value for the industry beyond the duration of the expo.

The motto "Solutions - Networking - Knowledge" is constantly in focus.
it-sa 365 | Solutions - Knowledge - Networking


In the Companies and Products & Solutions sections, IT security providers present their services and products. Users can search there for the right partners and solutions.


Registered users of the platform can network directly with each other, either by sending direct messages or arranging appointments for chat and video calls. Interesting contacts such as product experts, speakers, authors and provider staff are linked for direct contact.



As a knowledge hub, it-sa 365 permanently provides know-how from IT security experts. This takes place both through the active participation of users in actions, the lecture format of it sa 365, or through the recordings of lectures that have already taken place, as well as through white papers, specialist articles and industry news.

it-sa 365 at a glance

account_circle 0 Registered Users Join the it-sa 365 community and connect with other users, send messages, make appointments and benefit from other features like bookmarking and participation in actions. Find Persons
smart_display 0 Actions

Here you will find all the presentations, workshops, discussion rounds and expert talks on IT security topics at it-sa 365.
After the live events, the actions are available as a recording and can be accessed by registered users at any time.

Find Actions
business 0 Companies You would like to get an overview of all IT security providers? Associations, authorities or manufacturers? You are definitely in the right place.
Find new IT security companies for you and learn more about them. Get in contact with the employees!
Find Companies
inventory_2 0 Products & Solutions You are facing a challenge when it comes to IT security? Research here for the best products or right solutions for you. Click on the linked product expert to get in touch directly. Find Products & Solutions
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it-sa 365 gives you a year-round presence for your company to get in touch with potential users and present your solutions in a targeted manner. Would you like to actively participate as a provider at it-sa 365? Then you've come to the right place - become part of the it-sa 365 community!

People sitting together and working on their computer

Find the right expert

Quickly find the right contact person for products and solutions or network with experts on IT security topics! Our Match-o-Mat will help you.

To people shaking hands

Find the right challenge!

Get an overview of current job offers in the IT security industry. Are you interested in a job? Contact the relevant company directly!

Person takes a single red puzzle piece from the table

Find companies

Profiles of all it-sa 365 provides and their products and solutions. Use the filter options to find the companies and contacts relevant to you.

Three young men looking at a smartphone