
Expand your business network in the IT security community!

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We are pleased that you are enriching the community.

Become a user and get in touch with the community!
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4 people sit around a small table and  talk


Expand your business network in the IT security community!

You are not yet a registered user? Then change that right away.
We are pleased that you are enriching the community.

Become a user and get in touch with the community!

Do you have questions about specific IT security topics? 

Use the goals and interests of other IT experts to find your perfect IT security match! 
You can make an appointment directly and engage in an exchange via chat or video call. 
Learn more about how to network successfully and further expand your business network in the IT security community.

Networking with the it-sa 365 Community

Woman standing in light projection from code

Find experts

Are you looking for a contact person for a specific product or solution? Or would you like to exchange information on a specific IT security topic and are looking for experts in the field? Here you will find an overview of all users.

Network of light between skyscrapers

Register & Network

Would you like to become an active member of it-sa 365 and thus expand your business network in the IT security community? We will give you tips what you should pay attention to in order to network successfully. More information will follow shortly.

People sitting together and working on their computer

Find the right expert

Quickly find the right contact person for products and solutions or network with experts on IT security topics! Our Match-o-Mat will help you.

Meet the community at it-sa 365

Do you already know the current live-sessions of it-sa 365? You will find an overview of all presentations, interactive workshops, discussion rounds and expert talks on IT security topics under Actions&Events. Join live and use this opportunity for targeted networking with industry experts!
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Anything new?

Are you interested in other topics? You speak other languages? Or would you like to share important information about yourself in your profile slogan? Update your user profile so that you are contacted on the right topics! You can view and edit your profile via the person icon in the menu bar.

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Everything up to date?

You already have an existing company profile and product pages? Take the chance and update the content of your online presence! You can easily create your own content in your personal exhibitor area with our new SelfService and update it at any time.

Susanna Walzel

Susanna Walzel

Community Manager it-sa 365

If you have any questions, suggestions or topic requests regarding the platform and our actions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

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