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Woman with a headset infront of her notebook | IT Security Talks
IT Security Talks Stream I

Cybercrime trends you should know in 2024

Find out more about the latest cybercrime trends in 2024 and how you can stay safe in times of increased use of AI.

calendar_today Tue, 16.04.2024, 10:45 - 11:15

event_available Digital

Action Video


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Trend topic Awareness / Phishing / Fraud Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance

Key Facts

  • Current trends and developments in cybercrime. Practical tips and checklists for security strategies New tech: opportunities & risks for security infrastructures



This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

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Artificial intelligence changed everything last year, which presents us with a real challenge this year: Who will make better use of new technologies and the psychology of human behavior - us or the cybercriminals?
In our talk, we'll take a closer look at the key cybercrime trends for 2024 so you and your security team can stay ahead of the curve and protect your business from attack. Together, we'll explore the increasing involvement of AI in cyberattacks, which is changing the rules of the game for everyone involved. We'll also take a look at technologies such as 5G and quantum computing, which offer innovative opportunities but also create new points of attack for hackers.
We also talk about the rise of hacktivism and the role of cyberattacks in global political tensions. We also look at the evolution from phishing attacks to more sophisticated, multi-channel threats, the increasing use of disinformation campaigns to influence public opinion and the worrying burnout rates in security teams. But we don't just want to highlight the problems, we also want to give you proven security strategies to stay one step ahead in an era that will shape cyber security for good. 
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Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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