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G DATA CyberDefense AG of the it-sa 365
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Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-314

G DATA CyberDefense AG

With its cyber defence services, G DATA enables companies to defend themselves.

About us










We offer

  • Endpoint security
  • Mobile device managment
  • Penetration tests
  • Anti-virus and malware protection
  • Awareness
  • Managed security services
  • Education / training / qualification


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

With its comprehensive cyber defence services, the German inventor of antivirus software enables companies to defend themselves against cybercrime. Over 500 employees provide digital security for companies and users. Made in Germany: With over 30 years of expertise in malware analysis, G DATA carries out research and development exclusively in Germany. The highest requirements on data protection are our top priority. Back in 2011, G DATA signed a “No backdoor” guarantee, under the TeleTrust voluntary commitment “IT Security made in Germany”. G DATA offers a comprehensive portfolio of antivirus, endpoint protection and penetration testing software, plus incident response, forensic analysis, security status checks and cyber awareness training, to defend companies effectively. New technologies such as DeepRay use artificial intelligence to offer protection against malware. Service and support are offered at the G DATA Campus in Bochum - which runs on green electricity, as do the Trojan Horse Café and the Bistro. G DATA solutions are available in 90 countries and have received numerous awards, most recently with the gold award for the best "Malware Protection" from the independent testing institute AV-Comparatives.  G DATA was also named "IT Champion", making it the most trusted IT security company in Germany.   
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