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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-314

Security Awareness Trainings & Phishing Simulation





Key Facts

  • 3 levels with 15 exciting trainings and lots of in-depth mini-exercises
  • Each training session lasts 15 minutes on average - perfect for in-between
  • Varied formats such as games, videos & quizzes

Product Description

IT alone cannot win the battle against cybercrime. Because criminals don't attack technology, they attack people. 9 out of 10 cyber attacks start with a simple email.

With awareness training and phishing simulations from the G DATA academy, your employees learn how to protect themselves and your company from digital threats. And thus become allies.

We focus on entertaining training and positive feedback for learners.

The key features:

  • 3-level systemInstead of overwhelming learners with countless training courses, we rely on a 3-stage learning journey. This allows all employees to develop from beginner to cybersecurity professional.
  • Storytelling & gamificationNobody likes reading long PDFs with behavioral instructions. That's why we tell exciting stories in our training courses. They are interactive and motivate people to stay tuned. In this way, the knowledge is anchored and the training ensures that behavior changes permanently.
  • Phishing simulationThe training courses are the theory. With simulated phishing emails, you and your employees can practise the real thing. And if a wrong click does happen? No problem, with constructive feedback they learn what to look out for next time.
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