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CounterCraft of the it-sa 365


CounterCraft offers threat intelligence powered by high-interaction deception technology.

About us










We offer

  • Cyber-physical systems security
  • Network security
  • APT protection
  • Intrusion detection / prevention
  • Counter-intelligence


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • E-Commerce
Pº Mikeletegi 71 - 1
20009 Donostia-San Sebastian

About us

CounterCraft is a software company that goes beyond detection and response to provide proactive cybersecurity solutions and detect attacks faster for the world’s leading organizations. Their premier product, CounterCraft The Platform™, provides actionable threat intelligence in real time using deception technology. Unlike comparable technology, which takes up to 270 days to provide threat intelligence that requires an analyst to determine if it's relevant or not, CounterCraft delivers intelligence generated by your adversaries, in real time, that enables you to implement remediation immediately.This distributed deception platform is a global leader in active defense, with tooling that provides real-time intelligence and the capability to disrupt adversary behavior. CounterCraft The Platform is used successfully around the globe by Fortune 500 companies and government organizations, including the US Department of Defense.

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