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CounterCraft The Platform




Denial of service protection Threat analysis Counter-intelligence APT protection Penetration tests Endpoint security Cyber-physical systems security Cloud (computing) security Web application security VoIP security Server-based computing

Key Facts

  • Detect advanced threats early, without disrupting your operations. The Platform enables security teams to detect threats before they even enter the network. The powerful deception-powered technology makes it possible to observe and manage adversaries, all from a platform that is easily deployed and integrated.
  • Active defense with minimal resources. The Platform features built-in automation that reduces the time and cost of deploying deception technology by 95%. Get immediate visibility on attackers and real-time capabilities to manage attacks, all with minimal resource drag on your security team.
  • Contextualized threat intel relevant to your organization. With CounterCraft’s deception technology, you get real-time, 100% actionable threat intelligence tailored to your organization, allowing you to strengthen your cybersecurity posture and stop attacks, even before they start. CounterCraft provides real insight into your true attack surface.

Product Description

We have built the highest-quality platform for active defense, powered by deception technology. CounterCraft The Platform™ delivers detailed telemetry and threat intelligence specific to your attack surface and works inside and outside the traditional perimeter.

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