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CounterCraft The Edge


Denial of service protection Threat analysis Counter-intelligence APT protection Penetration tests Endpoint security Cyber-physical systems security Cloud (computing) security Web application security VoIP security Server-based computing

Key Facts

  • Detect threats early, before they disrupt your organization. The Edge services detect attacks in their initial stages. Choose a campaign that addresses your organization’s most pressing, real-world vulnerabilities. -Ransomware -VPN Attacks -Spear Phishing -External Attack Surface Monitoring
  • Easy to use, with a flexible subscription model. The Edge won’t drain your company resources — it offers proven-effective deception technology with a 260x reduction in noise per campaign, without even lifting a finger. Choose from five different campaigns or subscribe to them all — the average client contracts at least three because they just work.
  • Protect your assets and stop attacks. CounterCraft deploys campaigns with strategic deception decoys, delivering alerts that include information about attackers’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) cross-referenced with the MITRE ATT&CK framework, as well as Indicators of Compromise (IOCs).

Product Description

A threat intelligence service to solve real world problems.

Proactively protect your network. CounterCraft The Edge™ deflects attackers into a buffer zone, detecting attacks early and delivering actionable threat intelligence to your team via a subscription-based managed service in the cloud.

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