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Claranet GmbH of the it-sa 365

Claranet GmbH

Managed services provider for cloud hosting services with longstanding security expertise

About us






We offer

  • Application security
  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Penetration tests
  • Managed security services
  • Education / training / qualification


  • Industrial IT security

About us

Claranet has been supporting companies in their digitalisation for many years with innovative cloud hosting and network services. As a managed services provider, we are specialised in hosting business-critical environments on flexible cloud infrastructures and operating them in an agile manner under the highest security, performance and availability requirements. This specialisation also includes the topic of cybersecurity, whereby we support your digitalisation strategy with our Europe-wide Cyber Defence and Offensive Centre. We deliver SOC services in the area of EDR, XDR and MDR and pentesting as well as continuous security testing, which is revolutionary as a service in this combination on the German market. The offer is complemented by hacking and security training, as Claranet is one of the largest training providers on Blackhat and has a broad portfolio as consulting services in the area of cybersecurity and compliance. More than 70 qualified pentesters, over 100 security experts and numerous certifications such as CISSP, OSCA, OSCP and many more speak for themselves. We hack. We protect. We teach. We consult. Claranet Cyber Security - We are the good hackers.
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