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Continuous Security Testing

Key Facts

  • Combines manual pen testing with automated scanning
  • Precise and detailed information on the real risk
  • We keep a constant eye on your systems and applications

Product Description

Whether it's complex components of your infrastructure or individual applications, things that change frequently present a major challenge to traditional penetration testing. It is simply not possible to perform a new pen test for every update or system change. Therefore, from our point of view, a new approach is needed that is more agile on the one hand, but at the same time more scalable: Claranet's Continuous Security Testing. Perfectly adapted to the individual requirements of the system landscape and applications, we create a flexible solution that combines manual testing by our experienced pen testers with automated scans. Critical detections are dealt with immediately and you also receive a detailed report every month containing all relevant detections of the month. Tailored to the scope and complexity of your applications, we create a continuous testing plan that combines qualified manual testing with application scanning. High-priority findings are flagged immediately, and all results are summarized in a comprehensive monthly report. This gives you an agile and collaborative approach to security that quickly alerts you to issues, but doesn't slow or block the evolution of your applications and systems.
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