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Endpoint Detection and Response

Key Facts

  • Detects malware and malicious activity
  • Quick restoration of a state before the attack
  • Isolation of infected computers

Product Description

Protect your network before an attack develops with EDR. Real-time analyst review of security alerts on your systems. Your most sensitive data resides on your endpoints and in the cloud, and it only takes seconds for attackers to infect an endpoint and cause damage to your business. Endpoint Detection and Response helps you protect what matters by fortifying every device on your network with autonomous, real-time protection. In partnership with SentinelOne, Claranet offers customers a next-generation Endpoint Detection and Response solution that lets you prevent, detect and remediate known and unknown threats with a single click. Our Services: Endpoint Detection and Response license: self-installation and management of the software license. Endpoint Detection and Response as a Service: software license, installation and configuration of the service, and provision of support. Monday through Friday between 08:00 and 18:00 Managed Endpoint Detection and Response: full endpoint detection and response analysis, including out-of-hours, incident handling and analyst-driven threat hunting. Monthly reporting and ticket access is provided via an online portal
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