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xorlab Inbound Email Security

Logo xorlab AG

by xorlab AG


Artificial intelligence Email security

Key Facts

  • Detection of up to 12x more threats thanks to a behavior-based email filter that matches hundreds of signals from an email with the expected communication pattern of your organization.
  • Highly precise filter with at least 3x fewer false positives.
  • Minimization of the email attack surface with policies that adapt to your context.

Product Description

xorlab Inbound Email Security offers a comprehensive solution for organizations looking to defend against sophisticated email threats. By using advanced behavioral AI, xorlab analyzes the context of each email within your organization, allowing it to detect and block previously unknown attacks that evade traditional defenses.

The platform integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 and on-premise environments, providing real-time protection through adaptive security policies and automated workflows.

With xorlab, security teams gain greater control over their email attack surface, reduce operational inefficiencies, and empower employees to make secure decisions independently.

The system’s transparent decision-making process and extensive reporting capabilities ensure that your organization is always one step ahead of evolving threats.

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