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xorlab AG of the it-sa 365

xorlab AG

xorlab – Detect more Phishing with AI.

About us








We offer

  • Email security
  • APT protection
  • Anti-virus and malware protection
  • Artificial intelligence


  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Critical Infrastractures
Binzmühlestrasse 170D
8050 Zürich

About us

Today's email attacks are tailored to the victim's context and do not match any known patterns. Attackers respond to real emails or impersonate trusted senders to lure recipients into dangerous actions. Often, nothing is known about the malicious link or attachment, so the email is delivered to the inbox. The lack of signatures and patterns, obfuscation, and the use of legitimate email and hosting services make threat detection difficult. The xorlab Security Platform is specifically designed to detect unknown attacks and maximize email security for your organization. xorlab works in combination with M365 or on-premise environments.

Maximum security: xorlab analyzes every email in the context of your organization, enabling precise classification of all messages. Hundreds of signals per email are matched against your organization's expected communication patterns, proactively detecting threats.

Reduced costs: Time-consuming tasks and workflows are automated, such as analyzing and handling internally reported emails. Policy changes are significantly reduced and the maintenance of block and allow lists is eliminated.

Increased control: xorlab's security decisions are transparent, giving you complete visibility into communication patterns. You can easily adapt the xorlab platform and security policies to meet the unique needs of your organization.

Enhanced resilience and awareness: Situational user warnings, self-service quarantine, and easy reporting of suspicious emails unburden analysts and SOC teams. Employees are actively engaged in the defense and empowered to make better decisions.

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Artificial Intelligence | Anti phishing | Behavioral email security


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