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24/7 Security Operations and Support Center

Logo System4u

by System4u


Public key infrastructure High availability IT service management Log management Vulnerability and patch management Security management Security test suite Systems management Computer emergency response team (CERT) Awareness Virtualization Consulting IT security Managed security services Planning of data centers and IT infrastructures Testing laboratory / consultation

Key Facts

  • Wide range of supported solutions - UEMs for Endpoint Management, Azure deployments, VPNs,, virtual desktops and many others
  • Proactive approach - in addition to reactive support, we rely heavily on proactive monitoring and automation. This is to prevent unexpected outages or security breaches.
  • We offer several IT support options, ranging from basic user support to comprehensive management of your solutions. We can be available 24/7 to accommodate the needs of even the most demanding customers.

Product Description

For 20 years we have been providing IT support and SLA to customers around the world. We support hundreds of thousands of devices and a wide range of traditional and cloud-based systems. A dedicated team of technicians is available 24 hours a day, ready to tackle any IT challenge.

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