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Peace, love and security

About us






We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Intrusion detection / prevention
  • Data protection, data security
  • Access protection
  • Managed security services


  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

We are a leading Czech-based company established in 2004, specializing in comprehensive Managed Security Services and broad scale round-the-clock IT support. With a strong record of accomplishment and a diverse client base across several European countries, we have proved our position as a trusted partner for businesses of all sizes.We offer a wide range of Managed Security Services designed to meet the unique needs of each client.Our offering includes SecuRadar, a unique solution for Threat detection and response management. We proactively monitor and apply a quick response to security incidents across both public and hybrid clouds.Our team of experienced IT professionals provides reliable and efficient 24/7 IT support, including SOC capability. We can address any technical issues or challenges that may arise to ensure minimal downtime and business continuity. Our support takes care of hundreds of customers and over 100.000 mobile endpoints.We are committed to delivering exceptional service through strong partnership with clients. We believe businesses can gain peace of mind knowing that the IT infrastructure is in the hands of experienced professionals.

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Zero Trust | Single Sign On (SSO) | Unified Endpoint Management | Threat Analysis | Incident Rapid Response | Managed Detection and Response (MDR) | Machine Learning | 24/7 Security Operation Center (SOC) Support


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