- Legally effective - recognised proof of origin and integrity of documents
- Effective - no media breaks in electronic business processes
- Legally compliant - carry out standard-compliant and legally compliant processes
- Certified - highest data security, guaranteed by trust service provider D-TRUST (Bundesdruckerei's trust centre)
- Flexible - protect bank statements, invoices, notices, deeds, certificates, scanned documents (TR RESISCAN), etc.
The electronic seal is an EU-wide recognised signature tool for legal entities in accordance with the eIDAS Regulation and securely proves the origin (authenticity) and integrity (integrity) of documents. It is the digital stamp for companies and organisations in the private sector, for public authorities and for healthcare institutions.
Sealing individual documents
An individual seal card, a card reader and the digiSeal®office software are used. For each e-seal that is attached to a PDF document, for example, the PIN for the seal card must be entered once (analogous to PIN entry with an EC card at an ATM).
Sealing documents in batches
You need a multi-seal card, a card reader and the batch-processing software digiSeal®office pro. To seal the entire batch, e.g. 25 PDF documents, the PIN only needs to be entered once (not 25 times) and each individual document receives an e-seal.
Centralised automated sealing
The server-based sealing software digiSeal®server is installed in the secure environment of a server room or a data centre. Depending on the required performance, one or more multi-seal cards and the corresponding number of card readers are used, or a hardware security module (HSM) for very high-volume processes. A completely automated e-sealing process can be realised without human interaction.