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AI powered Jira Service Management


Artificial intelligence Education / training / qualification User (rights) management Document management Endpoint security Asset management / IT documentation Hardware security Application security

Key Facts

  • IT Service & Asset Management
  • Event Management
  • KI connection

Product Description

Jira Service Management from Atlassian provides a powerful and flexible platform to efficiently manage security incidents. Our solution seamlessly integrates Jira Service Management, Event Management and Large Language Models (LLM) to automate and optimise the entire incident management process.

Key benefits:

  • User-friendly and efficient: Automated workflows and an intuitive interface reduce the workload of your IT teams and speed up the processing of incidents.

  • Modular and customisable: Our solution adapts flexibly to your specific requirements and integrates seamlessly into your existing IT infrastructure.

  • Automated creation of tickets from vendor CVEs: The solution continuously monitors the publication of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) by vendors such as Atlassian or Oracle. Incident tickets are automatically created, analysed and categorised in the event of new security vulnerabilities. Affected systems are linked as asset objects, and subtasks are generated for multiple affected instances to facilitate tracking.

  • Comprehensive integration: Automated incident creation, asset management and knowledge linking work hand in hand to resolve incidents quickly and accurately.

  • Security and compliance: Plausibility alerts and user behaviour analysis from integrations ensure maximum security and compliance with relevant standards with automated event creation

This solution saves you time, increases efficiency and ensures the security of your IT infrastructure.

... read more

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