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MB connect line GmbH of the it-sa 365
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Hall 6 - Booth Number 6-405

MB connect line GmbH

Your expert for Secure Remote Access, Industrial IOT & Industrial Security.

About us










We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Hardware security
  • Remote access (VPN)


  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
Winnettener Straße 6
91550 Dinkelsbühl

About us

Secure industrial communication has a name. MB connect line offers you pioneering solutions for worldwide industrial communication and networking via the Internet. Founded in 1997, we focus on "Made in Germany" from the very beginning. Our headquarters are located in Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria. Customers in North America are served by the US subsidiary "MB connect line Inc." based in Warrenville, Illinois. As an independent medium-sized company, MB connect line has developed into the technology leader for solutions for professional communication via the Internet. Today, a mature modular system offers you a secure platform for networking machines and systems, for remote access, M2M communication, data acquisition as well as for implementing IoT applications. The basis for this is a remote service portal and various terminal devices such as industrial routers, data modems and an Automation Firewall. Industrial Security in Focus The industry is facing the end-to-end digitalization of comprehensive processes - from product planning and development to manufacturing and transport to the end consumer. The solutions of MB connect line convince not only by their functionality, but also in the protection of data against unauthorized access, manipulation and spying. MB connect line develops its products and solutions strictly according to the principle "Security by Design". The basis are the standards defined in IEC62443. The industrial routers mbNET and mbNET.rokey are equipped with a secure hardware element (cryptochip) and a secure boot concept, so that devices can only boot with signed and trustworthy firmware. All stored data is encrypted. They are not readable without the key stored in the crypto chip. This effectively protects the user's infrastructure from threats by cyber-attacks.
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