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it-sa 365: Header Desktop MB Connect
IT Security Talks Stream I

No production machine on the net - We are secure! Myth or reality?

The production area is increasingly becoming the target of cyber attacks. How can secure remote access and networking still be achieved?

calendar_today Wed, 14.04.2021, 11:15 - 11:30

event_available Digital

Action Video


Action description



Cloud Security Industry 4.0 / IoT / Edge Computing Network Security / Patch Management Websecurity / VPN


This action is part of the event IT Security Talks

Action Video

grafischer Background

This video is available to the it-sa 365 community. 
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Action description

Remote access of machines and plants is becoming more and more important for medium-sized companies. Especially in these times, where travel is avoided, but machines still need appropriate service, remote access is used. However, there are always fears among users with regard to the IT security of remote access. The presentation is intended to show that remote access can be designed to be absolutely secure and at the same time conform to the state of the art. Different application possibilities of industrial remote access will be shown from the simple remote desktop to direct transparent network connections on machine controls. The industrial router mbNET.rokey is used to explain how a key switch on the router can be an effective solution for operators and manufacturers. The industrial firewall mbNETFIX ensures the secure networking of machines with each other in the production network. It can be operated as a standalone or additional component for remote maintenance. The simple parameterization of this firewall avoids configuration errors and the operation is adapted to the workflow of an automator. The presentation informs about the application scenarios of secure industrial remote access and networking and the associated risks and opportunities. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


This content or feature is available to the it-sa 365 community. 
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