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indevis Managed Detection and Response




Managed security services Anti-virus and malware protection Counter-intelligence APT protection SIEM Security information and event management Security management Intrusion detection / prevention

Key Facts

  • Hacking Detection
  • Managed Security Service
  • SOC as a service

Product Description

To avoid damage from cyber attacks, it is important for companies to identify and remediate threats quickly. A SIEM (Security Incident and Event Management) is a mandatory prerequisite for this – but it is not enough on its own, because you also need specialized security analysts to evaluate the collected log information. But the shortage of skilled workers in the economy is particularly noticeable when it comes to IT personnel.

The interaction of modern security tools such as SIEM and SOAR as support for an SOC makes it possible to detect and stop attacks and their vectors in real time. Save yourself the complex and costly operation of these solutions yourself and don't waste resources on the laborious search for the required security staff in times of a shortage of skilled workers. Thanks to indevis Managed Detection and Response, you can also obtain the corresponding services as a service from indevis. With indevis Managed Detection and Response, the use of such advanced cyber security tools is also feasible and affordable for medium-sized companies.

Advantages of the indevis Managed Detection and Response Service:

  • Real-time attack detection
  • Professional use of the latest technologies from market-leading vendors
  • Outsourcing or use of expensive security tools & teams (SIEM, SOAR, SOC) as a cost-effective service
  • AI and machine learning in SOAR enable leaner and more efficient security operations
  • Full service by the indevis Cyber Defense Center according to the scope of services selected (also 24/7)
  • Connection of different log sources
  • Application of best practice playbooks or development of customized playbooks
  • Joint agreement on the possible response when detecting actual cyber threats
  • Service provided from Germany, German speaking contacts
  • ISO27001 certified MSSP business unit
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