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heylogin GmbH

The German Password Manager without a Master Password

About us






We offer

  • Authentication
  • User (rights) management
  • Identity and access management


  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
Sophienstraße 40
38118 Braunschweig

About us

heylogin is not just an IT security company from Braunschweig; we also develop the first German password manager without a master password. IT security can only work if everyone participates. That's why our focus is on user acceptance.

Therefore, we offer a single sign-on experience, completely without additional costs: login with just one click without manual password entry thanks to a practical overlay.

Instead of a master password, heylogin uses the security chip of a smartphone or security key. With this, all data is securely end-to-end encrypted, and PIN or biometrics can be used for confirmation on the used device. Thus, all data is 2-factor protected, without a human factor in the encryption.

As a German company, data protection is particularly important to us. We are not only GDPR compliant, but also host our service on German servers and use only European third-party providers.

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Password Management | Identity Management


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