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Header of heylogin GmbH
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum D

Password Manager Breaches: Why 2FA is Useless Here

Dr. Dominik Schürmann explains why 2FA is useless if the infrastructure of traditional password managers is breached.

calendar_today Wed, 23.10.2024, 14:45 - 15:00

event_available On site

place Forum, Booth 7A-106

Action Video


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Identity and access management

Key Facts

  • Encryption architecture of popular password managers
  • The limitations of 2FA after encrypted vaults are stolen
  • 2-factor secure encryption architecture as our solution



This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action Video

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Dr. Dominik Schürmann, holding a PhD in IT security with over 15 scientific publications, will deliver a talk titled "Password Manager Breaches: Why 2FA is Useless Here." With extensive experience in both research and practical application development, Dr. Schürmann founded heylogin GmbH in 2018, the first password manager with full hardware-based end-to-end encryption, developed and hosted in Germany.

The talk addresses a significant security issue highlighted by the December 2022 breach, where attackers captured encrypted vaults of LastPass. This breach revealed that the master password was the only barrier between attackers and the encrypted data, rendering any configured 2FA methods ineffective. Dr. Schürmann will explain why 2FA is useless in such scenarios.

He will explore the encryption architecture used by popular password managers like LastPass, 1Password, Dashlane, and Bitwarden, focusing on how these methods are intended to protect user data and their limitations. The talk will emphasize the critical interplay between encryption and 2FA, showing why 2FA fails to protect data once encrypted vaults have been stolen.

Dr. Schürmann will introduce an innovative approach to password manager architecture that eliminates the reliance on a master password, using advanced hardware-based end-to-end encryption. This new model is 2-factor secure even if attackers capture the encrypted vaults.
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Language: English

Questions and Answers: No


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