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Product Expert



Vulnerability and patch management

Key Facts

  • Fully automated
  • Multiple scan engines
  • Daily scanning

Product Description

Guardian360 offers partners the possibility to scan and monitor the complete office automation of end customers by implementing a bundle offering. In addition, a Guardian360 partner can also offer scanning of individual IP addresses. Whereas the bundle offers cover the scanning of all equipment that can be considered office automation, scanning of individual IP addresses can be used for all equipment with an IP address.

Various scanners are used within the two mentioned services. These scanners scan from the central Guardian360 platform.

When the Guardian360 platform is allowed to scan the office automation or specific internal IP addresses of an End Customer, a Probe must be deployed in the network environment.

The scanning frequency is daily, every day our scanners scan the full scope, therefore the dashboard will also be updated daily.

Contrary to other scanning tools, the Guardian360 platform offers a combination of various scanners. These scanners find more vulnerabilities together and each detect other security issues. Think of weak passwords and missing defence in depth measures.

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Product Expert


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