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Guardian360 BV of the it-sa 365
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Hall 6 - Booth Number 6-146

Guardian360 BV

Empowering organisations to conquer business risks and thrive fearlessly in their pursuits

About us


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We offer

  • Asset management / IT documentation
  • Network security
  • Web application security
  • Document management

About us

Guardian360 was founded in 2015 with the ambition to increase the information security of SMB organizations. In doing so, we explicitly seek collaboration with the client's trusted managed services provider or IT service provider, as they can best advise the client.

Our organization based in Utrecht and Rotterdam, is ISO27001 certified and was the first Dutch organisation with the ECSO Made in Europe certificate.

Ideal partner and clientWe’re looking for managed services providers/IT-services providers that have experience selling IT-management/end user support/hosting subscriptions, employ at least 15 people, having a mature sales organization, can follow up on technical reports and predominantly serve customers with between 100 and 5000 employees.

These potential partners are currently dealing with a decrease in turnover in hard- and software. One-time fees transform to subscriptions. They’re actively looking for subscription services to upsell to existing clients as well as attracting new clients. The demand for security services is increasing. In Germany cloud adoption is on the rise. Guardian360 offers an easy to use and easy to sell security services platform, that also can be used by non-security experts: network administrators, hosting engineers and such.

Regarding the clients of these partners: we aim to onboard clients with approximately 150 to 5000 employees. An ideal client needs to comply with standards/norms like GDPR/BSI IT-Grundschutz/ISO27001 and understands the importance of a good working IT environment. Clients want to be in control of information security and manage risks.

OpportunityOrganizations seek confirmation their information security is in order. They expect their MSP to keep their IT environment 24/7 secure. Unfortunately, most organizations do not have a matching budget. Also, MSPs struggle with staff shortages and lack expertise. As a result, they face several risks like information security incidents at customers and losing customers to a competitor.

Guardian360 Lighthouse offers MSPs the ability to reassure customers without having to gain knowledge and without hiring new employees. Our SAAS solution simply automated common information security tasks, allowing MSPs to focus on consulting customers and resolving information security issues.

Guardian360 LighthouseThis SAAS platform developed by Guardian360 scans IT environments and web applications every day for information security vulnerabilities. This gives organizations continuous insights and allows them to prove that they are 'in control'. The platform provides recommendations to better comply with the GDPR by default and shows which vulnerabilities led to a deviation from the BSI IT-Grundschutz, ISO27001 standard and 13 other controls/standards. Finally, the platform detects criminals in the network of clients so the damage of an incident can be limited. More information about our services can be found at

Guardian360 believes in daily scanning assets because more than 1,000 new vulnerabilities are found in existing systems every month. So even if an organization does not make any changes to its IT infrastructure, it can still suddenly become vulnerable to a malicious party. We also note that internal networks are becoming increasingly open to the outside world, administrators are forced to open more and more, increasing risks.

Guardian360 performs its scans without the need to install and/or manage anything on servers/workstations/network components. We experienced that a few clients also use Guardian360 to later demonstrate to the Personal Data Authority that they have gone above and beyond to prevent a data breach.

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Compliancy | SAAS | Hardening | Vulnerability scanning | Hacker detection


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