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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-424 Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-418

Remote Maintenance Solution genubox


Firewalls Denial of service protection Computer emergency response team (CERT) Compliance / GRC (products and services) Business continuity Threat analysis Backup solutions APT protection High availability Anti-eavesdropping solutions

Key Facts

  • Reliable protection of remote maintenance accesses
  • Compliant with the BSI recommendation for secure remote maintenance
  • Live tracking and video recording of all actions

Product Description

genubox can provide you with extremely secure remote maintenance access to almost everywhere. This solution can be installed, for example, on industrial robots, wind turbines or simply in server rooms – all locations where manufacturers or service providers monitor and provide support by remote access. genubox ensures security in the event of required maintenance: It establishes an encrypted connection for data transfer, and uses its firewall function to restrict external access exclusively to the system being maintained.

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