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genua GmbH   of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-424 Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-418

genua GmbH

genua – Excellence in Digital Security

About us










We offer

  • Mobile security
  • Network security
  • Firewalls
  • Remote access (VPN)
  • Artificial intelligence


  • Industrial IT security
  • Critical Infrastractures
Domagkstraße 7
85551 Kirchheim

About us

genua GmbH is an enabler of digital transformation. We secure sensitive IT networks in the public and enterprise sectors, for critical infrastructure organizations and in industries with an obligation to maintain secrecy with highly secure and scalable cyber security solutions. In doing so, genua GmbH focuses on the comprehensive protection of networks, communication and internal network security for IT and OT. The range of solutions spans from firewalls and gateways, VPNs, remote maintenance systems, internal network security and cloud security to remote access solutions for mobile employees and home offices.

genua GmbH is a company of the Bundesdruckerei Group. With more than 400 employees, it develops and produces IT security solutions exclusively in Germany. Since the founding of the company in 1992, regular certifications and approvals from the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) provide proof of the high security and quality standards of the products. Customers include, among others, Arvato Systems, BMW, the German Armed Services, THW as well as the Würth Group.

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Remote Maintenance | IT Security | Cyber Security | Critical Infrastructures


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