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Fraunhofer IGD of the it-sa 365
Research & Development

Fraunhofer IGD

Visualization of complex data? We make it easy!

About us








We offer

  • Authentication
  • Biometrics
  • Identity and access management
  • Admission control
  • Artificial intelligence


  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security

About us

Fraunhofer IGD has been setting standards in visual computing for over 30 years. We accomplish this with a unique range of skills and technologies that we can flexibly combine to suit your particular needs and wishes.

Visual computing is image- and model-based information processing that blends computer graphics and computer vision. Put simply, it describes the ability to turn information into images and extract information from pictures. It is the basis of all the technological solutions used by Fraunhofer IGD and its partners.

Computer graphics involves processing and editing images, graphics, and multidimensional models with the aid of computers. Examples are virtual and simulated reality applications.

Computer vision is about teaching computers to “see.” A machine uses a camera to scan its surroundings and then processes the information with software. Examples include augmented reality.

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