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virtual HSM

Logo enclaive

by enclaive

Product Expert






Key Facts

  • Cost Efficiency: Elasticity helps organizations optimize their spending. You pay for the resources you use, and you don't need to always provision for peak loads. This can result in cost savings because you're not maintaining and paying for underutilized resources during off-peak periods.
  • Auto-Scaling: Scalability enables the automatic provisioning and de-provisioning of resources based on real-time demand. When the vHSM experiences increased traffic or workloads, it can automatically add more computing resources (like virtual machines) to handle the load. When the demand decreases, the resources are scaled down to save costs.
  • Auto-Healing: Wenn ein vHSM ausfällt, kann der vHSM ihn schnell durch einen neuen Cluster ersetzen und so die Serviceverfügbarkeit über mehrere Server, Rechenzentren oder Cloud-Service-Anbieter hinweg aufrechterhalten. Verschlüsselter Speicher wird redundant repliziert und in jeder vHSM-Instanz versiegelt.

Product Description

Virtual HSM (or vHSM) allows you to upgrade your infrastructure without expensive hardware investments and provides benefits such as crypto-agility, elasticity, and cloud readiness for secrets and workload identity management. It combines the capabilities of Vault and Nitride to offer a complete security solution.

With vHSM, confidential computing is leveraged to ensure the highest level of security for your secrets, keys, and machine identities.

Trust in hardware-rooted identities and automated workload authentication with access control management, all provided within a single, comprehensive package.

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