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enclaive of the it-sa 365


Make the Cloud the safest place for your digital business.

About us








We offer

  • Application security
  • Big data Security
  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Data protection, data security
  • Cryptography


  • E-government
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • Data center operation
Chausseestraße 40
10115 Berlin

About us

enclaive GmbH, an award-winning start-up based in Berlin, Germany, helps businesses protect their sensitive data and applications in untrusted cloud environments through Confidential Computing.

By utilizing Confidential Computing, enclaive makes it easy to ensure data security without the need to make any changes to code, tools, or processes. Its comprehensive, multi-cloud operating system allows for Zero Trust security by encrypting data in use and shielding applications from both the infrastructure and solution providers.

With enclaive, businesses can confidently build, test, and deploy applications, all while maintaining complete control over their confidential information. enclaive’s goal is to provide a universal, cloud-independent technology for enclaving sophisticated multi-cloud applications, that can be deployed with confidence and ease. Target clients encompass service providers, ISVs as well as enterprises and public entities seeking to leverage shared infrastructure supporting the digital transformation of their business. The enclaive offering comes in three forms: as a license, an OEM product, or as a managed, consumable utility service through the ECMP marketplace.

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virtual HSM | Post Quantum readiness | Multicloud Security | confidential GenAI | Confidential Computing | 3D encryption


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