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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-303

IT Security Consulting


Consulting IT security Business continuity Threat analysis

Key Facts

  • IT Protection Measures
  • IT Security Concept
  • Vulnerability Scan

Product Description

How secure are your IT systems?

  • Do your IT systems meet the latest requirements?
  • Are the technical protection measures implemented according to your security level?

As part of a functioning ISMS, regular auditing of IT systems and concepts is part of the fixed agenda. With our experience from many customer projects, we are happy to support you.

Vulnerability scan of your IT systems

  • Are your IT systems secured in line with the risks? We check the status of your IT systems and network components with special software.You decide which devices / systems we check in detail.We coordinate the results with you and give you practical recommendations for action. According to your own risk assessment, the recommendations for action can be implemented.
  • This vulnerability scan is NOT a penetration test: everything we do is agreed with you in advance.
  • Our recommendation: Penetration tests are the supreme discipline. Before you dare to do a penetration test, the basics of your IT security should be implemented.

IT protection measures

  • Many standards and specifications for IT security provide recommendations for increasing your security level.We support you in selecting the appropriate IT protection measures.
  • At this point, a risk-oriented approach is important to us. We develop IT security concepts with you.
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