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Datenbeschützerin GmbH of the it-sa 365

Datenbeschützerin GmbH

About us




We offer

  • Risk analysis and management
  • Data protection, data security
  • Awareness
  • Consulting IT security
  • ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799)


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

The drive of Datenbeschützerin® is to make the complex topic of information security understandable and to provide pragmatic and reliable solutions. She is the most trusted partner for decision makers in cybersecurity and data protection.

With a lot of know-how, practical and hands-on experience, the team of the Datenbeschützerin® acts empathically and provides simple and comprehensible explanations. Thus, the Datenbeschützerin® creates trust in a complex, unmanageable world.

A protector is a person or entity that enjoys our trust - like our family or other close caregivers. Thus, the Datenbeschützerin® team is an authority that can be trusted in the field of information security.

What distinguishes the Datenbeschützerin®?

- highly professiona- understandable- empathic- proactive- trustworthy - eco-strategic

In the field of information security, the Datenbeschützerin offers the following services:

- IT security (technical vulnerability scans, analysis of protective measures)- Information security management system (ISMS, ISO 27001, VDA ISA / TISAX®, ISB commissioning)- Data protection (implementation of data protection management, DPO commissioning)- Security awareness (online training, courses, awareness campaigns)- Compliance (whistleblowing portal, internal reporting office, compliance assignment)

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