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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-307


Key Facts

  • Vertrauen aufbauen
  • Netzwerk knüpfen
  • Unterstützung erhalten

Product Description

In cyber security, start-ups are important vehicles for technological innovation and economic transformation. With their innovations, they promise solutions to make cyber security better, faster, cheaper and more secure. They create jobs, stimulate competition and spur technological innovation. A network of investors, incubators and accelerators has been created to provide financial support for start-ups. Particularly in the sensitive area of cyber security, start-ups need a leap of faith to win investors, customers and cooperation partners. Investors must trust the start-up to do business sensibly in order to justify an investment. Customers must trust the start-up to provide secure and reliable products and solutions. Cooperation partners must trust the startup to be a reliable partner within a profitable cooperation. Gaining this trust is often a major challenge for startups. The Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. and our partner Early Metrics therefore offer cyber security start-ups with their trust rating the opportunity to have their level of financial and economic maturity assessed. Start-ups also become part of our network through the rating. New customers, investors and cooperation partners from among our members and a wide range of partners can thus be tapped. In addition, together with our members as a platform, we offer start-ups the opportunity to exchange information, support and assistance. More under:
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