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Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.  of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background
Association / Authority / Other organisation

Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-307

Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V.

Together for e secure digital future. Your exchange plattform for cybersecurity.

About us






We offer

  • Awareness
  • Consulting IT security


  • E-government

About us

The Cyber Security Council Germany e.V. was founded in August 2012 by some renowned personalities as a politically neutral association. The council is based in Berlin, its objective is to consult businesses, government agencies and political decision-makers and to support them against cybercrime. The association’s steering committee has five members: Hans-Wilhelm Dünn, President and founding member, Vice President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Werner Weidenfeld, long-term consultant to numerous federal governments as well as to the European Union, federal coordinator of German-American relationship for 12 years. The board also includes Philipp von Saldern, Advisor for Security and defence policy as well as Hartmut Ziebs, President of the German Firefighters Association and Prof. Dr. Andre Döring, Advisor for Data Protection and Startups and CEO of Robin Data GmbH. They carry out the role of assessor. Members of the association include large and medium-sized companies, operators of critical infrastructure, numerous federal states (e.g. North Rhine-Westphalia, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), major cities (e.g. Frankfurt) as well as experts and decision-makers in cyber security. Through its members, the association represents more than three million workers in the German economy and almost two million members of other associations and clubs. Cyber-Security Council Germany e.V. provides a wide range of services to inform and support its members and focuses its activities on their operational and working requirements. Objectives: - To increase collaboration between politics, public administration, business and academia for the purpose of improving IT protection. - To set up initiatives and projects to promote awareness of cyber security. - To develop a nationwide cyber-security network in a European and international context. - To provide a knowledge platform, forum and network for members of the association.
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