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So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-312


Product Expert



Compliance / GRC (products and services) Vulnerability and patch management Endpoint security Web application security Application security

Product Description

Nexthink is a leader in end-user experience management for optimised end-user satisfaction. The company's solutions combine real-time analysis of all endpoints with end-user feedback to help IT managers significantly reduce the impact of IT issues on the business. The unique analytics and visualisations provide new insights and ensure that IT departments are more proactive, costs are reduced and ultimately end-user productivity is improved. The various Nexthink modules combine real-time analysis of all endpoints with end-user feedback to help IT managers significantly reduce the impact of IT problems on the business. The Analyze module enables IT departments to monitor, evaluate and optimise the user experience across devices, applications and networks. "Act" enables IT staff to automatically identify and solve problems. End users can use "Act" to solve problems on their own. Engage" allows the IT department to capture targeted employee feedback, reducing the barrier between the IT team and the employee. The 'Integrate' module integrates the data collected on the end-user experience into all relevant IT systems.   
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Product Expert


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