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Product Expert



Mobile security

Key Facts

  • Execution of app tests with cyclic updating
  • Recommendation for use of secure apps
  • Concepts for the secure use of mobile devices

Product Description

Which apps are safe to install on the company tablet or smartphone? Allowing the staff to use apps indiscriminately may endanger the company’s own security. Many app developers do not have sufficient IT security knowledge, which frequently leads to inadvertent vulnerabilities. App stores may check for malware, but specific app security features and correct implementation are not the subject to verification. Fraunhofer SIT has developed the »Appicaptor« test framework exactly with this scenario in mind, giving enterprises an opportunity to automatically check if apps are compliant with their IT security policy. iOS and Android »Appicaptor« generates an individual test report for enterprises for each app and each operating system, with the analysis being carried out automatically. These management reports are understandable also for people without deep IT security knowledge. The system issues a warning when vulnerabilities or the insecure use of sensitive data are detected, or immediately integrates automatically the results of the analysis into the Enterprise Mobility Management System. Since apps are often revised and new insights emerge concerning weaknesses and implementation errors, »Appicaptor« repeats the tests regularly as well, thus constantly evaluating the security features based on the latest technological knowledge.

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