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ATHENE of the it-sa 365
Research & Development



About us








We offer

  • Threat analysis
  • Vulnerability and patch management
  • Biometrics
  • Awareness
  • Education / training / qualification
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Open source (software and services)


  • Energy and water supply
  • Healthcare
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures

About us

ATHENE is the largest research centre for cybersecurity and privacy in Europe.

ATHENE accompanies and supports the digital transformation of society, the economy and the public sector to improve cybersecurity and data protection. ATHENE conducts application-oriented top-level research for the benefit of the economy, society and the state. More than 600 scientists develop security solutions, regularly advise industry and public administration and support company founders and start-ups. In doing so, the knowledge gained from the basic research carried out at universities is incorporated into further application-oriented research. With its research and development work, ATHENE covers a very wide range of expertise relevant to various technologies and application areas, such as the security of systems, software, applications, processes, hardware, data or Internet infrastructures. The research centre works in an agile and efficient manner, enabling it to respond quickly to new challenges and changing threat situations.

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Secure Digital Transformation in Health Care | Mobile Security - Using Mobile Devices and Networks Securely | Increase of recognition performance and security of biometric processes | Cybersecurity | Continuing education offerings on cybersecurity topics


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