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Header of MetaCompliance GmbH
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum A

Boosting Employee Engagement in Cyber Security Awareness Campaigns

Explore strategies to enhance staff engagement in cyber awareness campaigns, addressing common obstacles and practical solutions.

calendar_today Wed, 23.10.2024, 13:15 - 13:30

event_available On site

place Hall 6, Booth 6-215

Action description



Education and training Awareness / Phishing / Fraud


This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action description

The success of a cyber security training program hinges on employee engagement. Although cybersecurity might seem like a mundane subject, cultivating a robust security culture is crucial to prevent the devastating effects of data breaches. The real challenge lies in effectively engaging employees.

Effective Security Awareness Training yields tangible results. By customising your training to align with your employees' roles, responsibilities, and the company's culture, you can significantly enhance their cyber security practices. This empowers them to protect your organisation against emerging cyber threats.

In this session, Christopher Hagemann will delve into various strategies to boost your team's participation in cyber security awareness campaigns. He will cover successful tactics, common challenges, and practical solutions tailored to your organisation’s specific needs. Join Christopher to learn how to develop engaging awareness programs that resonate with your staff, enhancing their cyber security awareness and compliance behaviours.
... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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