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Header of Teal Technology Consulting GmbH
Congress@it-sa Lecture programme

Maximized resilience through system hardening, risk management and training

Maximize resilience through system hardening, risk-based measures and employee training. Practical examples and TEAL Health Check.

calendar_today Wed, 23.10.2024, 09:30 - 12:30

event_available On site

place Room Oslo, NCC Ost

Action description





Education and training Data protection / GDPR Data security / DLP / Know-how protection Endpoint Protection Legislation, standards, regulations Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance Identity and access management Managed Security Services / Hosting Data Center

Key Facts

  • system hardening
  • risk management
  • maximized resilience


This action is part of the event Congress@it-sa

Action description

We show you how you can maximize the resilience of your IT systems and take your security strategy to the next level through system hardening, risk-based measures and targeted training of your IT staff. Our hands-on approach and experience from many hardening projects enable you to implement concrete measures sustainably and learn from our expertise.


Risk-based approach and knowledge building:

A risk-based approach is central to modern IT security. We show how targeted measures can prevent total losses and create sustainable security solutions. Common mistakes and possible steps to increase resilience are highlighted. Our security assessment serves as a starting point for improving your security measures.


System hardening as the key to resilience:

System hardening is crucial for the resilience of your IT systems (servers, clients). We explain the relationship to security frameworks such as DORA, NIS2, KRITIS and ISO27001 and their importance in the Zero Trust environment. Find out how you can automatically secure IT systems against attacks and generate transparent documentation as proof at the touch of a button.


Practical part:

We show you how to measure and implement system hardening, quickly create a hardening configuration based on proven industry standards and how hardened and unhardened systems react to attacks.


Sustainability through the TEAL Health Check:

Continuous monitoring is crucial for the long-term effectiveness of safety measures. The TEAL Health Check helps to keep measures effective even after twelve months. We explain how this check works and why it is so effective.


At the end, we offer an open Q&A session for your questions.


Register for the workshop here.
... read more

Participation Limit: 55

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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