Around 700 exhibitors are expected at it-sa Expo&Congress 2022 from 25 to 27 October.
This makes it-sa the world's largest trade fair for IT security.
International pavilions from South Korea, the Czech Republic and Austria underscore that commitment to secure IT infrastructures within the it-sa community.
In order to stay one step ahead of cyber criminals, it-sa offers those responsible for IT security an extensive supporting and congress programme: With around 350 specialist contributions, including the product-neutral "it-sa insights", the "Women in Cybersecurity" series, the winner presentation of the "Germany's Best Hacker" initiative and the ATHENE Startup Award UP22@it-sa and the accompanying Congress@it-sa, the event stands for know-how transfer and networking.
Frank Venjakob, Executive Director it-sa, NürnbergMesse
Dr Markus Richter, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology
Dr Gerhard Schabhüser, Vice President, Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI)
Udo Littke, Member of the Bitkom management board
Professor Norbert Pohlmann, Chair, IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT)