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Launch Days Stream I

Effective security: Least Privilege as an important pillar of your PAM strategy

This BeyondTrust presentation explains practical information around Endpoint Privilege Management.

calendar_today Wed, 07.10.2020, 13:15 - 13:30

event_available Digital

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Awareness / Phishing / Fraud Endpoint Protection Identity and access management



This action is part of the event Launch Days

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It is becoming more and more difficult to find a good balance of distribution of rights for employees and administrators. Users as well as IT administrators should be given sufficient authorizations to carry out their work productively, while at the same time minimizing the IT security risk and protecting sensitive data and systems. Attackers are often one step ahead of organizations. Even those with the most comprehensive IT security systems and control mechanisms fear that an attacker could discover and exploit a vulnerability. This talk explains practical tools that companies can use to implement industry-recognized best practices for endpoint privilege management and basic security controls to protect IT systems and data from the most common attacks. It contains tips for successfully implementing a Least Privilege Strategy that will help you get rid of unnecessary permissions. Likewise, rights can be increased on multiple platforms and networked devices without affecting end-user productivity. ... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: Yes


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