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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-328

BeyondTrust Password Safe




Identity and access management Access protection

Key Facts

  • Automatically discover and onboard accounts; store, manage, and rotate privileged passwords, eliminating embedded credentials; secure employee business passwords.
  • Log and monitor all privileged credential activity and sessions for compliance and forensic review, including session metadata.
  • Leverage extensive privilege and credential analytics to simplify compliance, benchmark tracking, and more.

Product Description

Prevent Account Hijacking & Other Common Threats

Password Safe combines privileged password and session management to discover, manage, and audit all privileged credential activity. Scan, identify, and profile all assets for automated onboarding, ensuring no credentials are left unmanaged.

Control privileged user accounts, applications, SSH keys, cloud admin accounts, RPA accounts, and more. Also vault and generate employee passwords used for enterprise applications.

Utilize adaptive access control for automated evaluation of just-in-time context for authorization access requests. Monitor and record live sessions in real time and pause or terminate suspicious sessions. Enable a searchable audit trail for compliance and forensics.

Achieve complete control and accountability over privileged accounts, and extend enterprise security, scalability, and auditing to employee passwords.

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