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  • Whitepaper
  • Cloud and Mobile Security

Apple Device Security for Beginners

A well-planned cyberattack or accidental malware download can have a significant impact on your day-to-day work. Our comprehensive Apple security guide shows you how to effectively protect your Apple devices.

Learn how to secure your Apple endpoints and users today.

A well-planned cyberattack or an accidental malware download can mean the difference between a productive day and all work grinding to a halt. While Apple has invested a great deal in its security features and has rapidly become the leader in device and data privacy and security, no operating system is immune to security challenges.
This means administrators must respond quickly to security issues and proactively guard against them. But don't worry. We've put together a comprehensive Apple security guide to ensure your Mac, iPad, iPhone and Apple TV devices remain protected.

With this e-book, we simplify and share the six building block foundations for securing Apple devices and how to consider what security means for your organization. Learn about:

  • Security systems and features native to macOS, iOS, iPadOS and tvOS
  • Enrolling and deploying devices with secure, centralized management and visibility
  • Protecting your physical devices and safeguarding your users from threats
  • Securing data at rest and in transit at all time
  • Monitoring devices to determine health status and enforce baselines
  • Staying up to date with operating systems, apps and software patches

Organizations have the choice to get ahead of many possible attacks or data thefts by implementing the strongest security protections possible with Apple.

Read the e-book now to see how.

Download the Whitepaper - exclusively for registered users


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