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it-sa Expo&Congress, Special Keynote with Peter Hacker
  • Press release

Special Keynote: Quo vadis cyber risks? Navigating a complex world of digital change, cyber threats and geopolitical tensions

On 24 October, Peter Hacker will give the eagerly awaited Special Keynote at the it-sa Expo&Congress. In an exclusive interview, he will provide initial insights into his keynote, which will focus on important topics of today: Cyber risks at top management level, geopolitical challenges and the crucial role of artificial intelligence and resilience when it comes to cyber attacks.

it-sa Expo&Congress presents the tenth edition of the Special Keynote on 24 October.

It will be held by Peter Hacker, an expert in cyber security.

In an exclusive interview, he will offer initial insights into the growing risks and geopolitical challenges in the digital age. Topics such as artificial intelligence, resilience and the importance of cybersecurity at top management level will take centre stage. Hacker shares his global experience and provides valuable insights into the future of cyber risks and security.

Entrepreneur and author Peter Hacker is a globally recognised expert on digital transformation, cybercrime and cybersecurity. He is the founder and managing director of, an independent, globally operating think tank for cyber security and risk transfer in Switzerland. Through his position, he is directly involved in the perception of cyber risks at the highest management level. His expertise is sought after by companies, international and regional organisations, regulatory authorities and rating agencies. In the special keynote, Hacker will take a look at the status quo and analyse the developments on the horizon that are of great importance for states, companies and society.

Hacker talks about these topics in his special keynote in an interview:

  • Cyber risks: Managers are increasingly recognising cyber risks as a risk. Peter Hacker emphasises the need to increasingly view cyber security as an investment in the protection of intangible assets such as intellectual property, brand reputation and company value. People, awareness and cyber resilience are essential here.
  • Geopolitical challenges: Increasing tensions between superpowers and global conflicts are leading to new attack trends and increased hacktivism.
  • Artificial intelligence: AI technologies offer both opportunities and risks. They can recognise attack patterns more quickly and improve defence strategies but can also be used by attackers to develop malware and attack vectors.

To the interview with Peter Hacker:

About the Special Keynote at it-sa Expo&Congress

On the last day of it-sa Expo&Congress, visitors and digital participants can traditionally look forward to a special highlight in the forum programme: the Special Keynote. Renowned personalities such as Edward Snowden, IT security expert Paula Januszkiewicz and Maximilian Schrems have already used it-sa Expo&Congress to take stock of data protection and IT security issues

About it-sa

it-sa supports IT security officers with offerings for secure digitalization. As the “Home of IT Security,” it provides extensive information, networking, and knowledge transfer on IT security and data protection, both on-site and online. The it-sa Expo&Congress in Nuremberg is the leading European industry event. The digital platform it-sa 365 allows IT security professionals access to expertise and networking opportunities online at any time.


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