Merve Karaibrahimoglu gives it-sa 365 a face - literally. Active users of it-sa 365 are in the right place with their questions about the dialogue platform. Our young colleague supports them in personal exchange and knows what to do when things go wrong with the user experience. In this interview, the city resident from Nuremberg introduces herself.
Hello Merve, to start with a personal question: Franconia or Kraichgau?
Definitely Franconia! Nuremberg is a city that simply appeals to me. There's always something going on here, and at the same time the city is not too big and has a family flair that not many big cities have. I moved here from near Karlsruhe to study and now I don't want to leave...
For a good half year now, you have been strengthening the it-sa team as the "Community Manager". What exactly is behind this title?
In a nutshell, it can best be summed up like this: I am the first point of contact for our users if they have questions or suggestions about our digital dialogue platform it-sa 365. These are often about the platform itself. I also receive enquiries about technical topics, which I deal with together with our IT. However, my job also involves our dialogue formats such as IT Security Updates, recently our first it-sa BarCamp or contributions within the framework of the IT Security Talks, which will take place again in March. Here, I'm in charge as an organiser and I'm frequently there live. But my tasks also include taking on feedback from users, for example on the further development of the platform or ideas for future topics.
And what does your typical working day at NürnbergMesse look like?
Every working day is different. Of course there are repetitions and regular coordination meetings in the it-sa 365 team, but it never gets boring. The many different tasks and contacts with people outside the company make all the difference. I enjoy working like this and I'm happy to have chosen this path for myself.
When you look back on your first six months in the team, what was your personal highlight?
There were many, but I especially remember my work at the it-sa Expo&Congress. At the it-sa 365 stand, I was available as usual as a contact person for our customers. In between, I was on the road as a "roving reporter" at the fair to interview visitors. The whole thing with camera in tow for contributions that were broadcast live on it-sa 365 during the trade fair.
Did you already have contact with the IT security industry or the trade fair business before you applied?
No, I would rather describe myself as a career changer. However, I benefit from my experience due to my previous employment in an industrial company and with an IT service provider. And of course the fact that I already worked at trade fairs when I was a student of economics.
What is the next project you are looking forward to?
I'm looking forward to the IT Security Talks in March and May. For me, it's a premiere when the participating providers design the programme with their presentations and we address the currently around 9,400 registered users directly.
And the next goal you have set yourself?
I'm looking forward to welcoming the ten thousandth user to it-sa 365 soon!