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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-429

ZeroFox External Cybersecurity Platform

Logo ZeroFox

by ZeroFox


Open source (software and services) Artificial intelligence Data protection, data security Threat analysis Counter-intelligence Risk analysis and management Cloud (computing) security Asset management / IT documentation

Key Facts

  • External Attack Surface Management Automatically discovers internet-facing assets across your digital footprint, including domains, subdomains, IP addresses, software, security certificates, services, and more. Continuously correlates exposures to assets by risk level. Uncovers unknown or forgotten assets linked to your domains and IP ranges.
  • Domain, Brand, Social Media and Executive Protection #1 provider in digital risk protection. The world’s most iconic brands trust ZeroFox to protect their revenue, reputation, and customer engagement.
  • Threat Intelligence ZeroFox Dark Web Monitoring safeguards businesses against data leakage, breaches, and the illegal sale of data on a broad range of deep and dark web sites including TOR, I2P, ZeroNet, and Paste Sites. You’ll be able to detect the sharing of customer information, account credentials, passport numbers, and PII that puts clients, employees, brand, and business at risk.

Product Description

Expose & disrupt cyber-threats at the sourceThe ZeroFox platform is an always-on, comprehensive external threat intelligence, protection, and response solution that provides organizations with complete visibility and protection across the surface, deep, and dark web.

With ZeroFox Attack Surface Management, proactively remove threat actors’ targets of opportunity through full-spectrum discovery and enumeration of internet-facing assets, including subdomains, IP addresses, software, security certificates, Shadow IT, and more. Performing continuous correlation and analysis of exposures with actionable alerting and reporting enables the rapid prioritization of remediation decisions.

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