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yourIT GmbH of the it-sa 365
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Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-309

yourIT GmbH

securITy in everything we do...

About us


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We offer

  • Asset management / IT documentation
  • Physical IT-security
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Data protection, data security
  • Admission control
  • ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799)
  • Authorities / associations


  • Small and medium-sized enterprises

About us

"securITy in everything we do" – Building IT Security Together with Strong Partners!

As one of the leading IT system houses and Part of THE LÄND, we focus on innovative solutions that safeguard businesses and IT system houses in the long term while giving them a competitive edge. At it-sa 2024, we are looking to forge new system house partnerships to jointly tackle the growing demands of ISO 27001, TISAX, NIS2, information security, and data protection compliance.

Why should IT system houses partner with us?

  • Stronger together in IT security: We offer system house partners the opportunity to secure their clients through our ISO 27001 and TISAX certifications with minimal effort on your part. You’ll benefit from our consulting and implementation projects through attractive revenue-sharing models.
  • Growth opportunities with NIS2 and data protection: The rising demands of NIS2 and data protection present IT system houses with an excellent chance to tap into new business fields. With us at your side, you’ll gain access to the solutions your clients need, securing a clear competitive advantage.
  • Exclusive funding programs for partners: Our system house partners can take advantage of funding with up to 80% subsidies for projects, ensuring your clients receive top-level IT security at optimal costs.
  • yourIT-Academy: Together, we help develop your team’s expertise and strengthen your clients' awareness levels through training and workshops – for greater security and long-term success.

Visit us at it-sa 2024 at the THE LÄND stand and find out how we can shape the IT security industry together. Let’s discuss a partnership that is mutually beneficial – leading to recurring revenue and maximum security!

  ... read more

Floor plan


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Data Protection | Information Security | Compliance | IT-Security | NIS 2 | ISO 27001


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