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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-334

Next Generation Solutions

Key Facts

  • Next Generation Solutions
  • Zero Trust Access, IOT/OT, NextGen SOC, SecureCloud & DevOps

Product Description

Westcon NGS is our solution-driven, go-to-market proposition, helping reseller partners to drive recurring revenue. Westcon NGS is built around four solution pillars on which secure digital transformation is built: Zero Trust Access | "Never trust, always verify". Keep assets, data and apps away from attackers - wherever they live Next-Gen SOC | Early detection of attacks and breaches in the face of increasing threats and complexity Secure Cloud & DevOps | Secure and automated cloud & application development IoT/OT Security | Visibility of OT and IoT environments with threat detection and risk assessment We work with top vendors in these spaces to help our partners identify the solutions best suited to them, their customers and their long-term strategy. The new generation of technology providers are offering huge opportunities for the security channel, but it’s also complex, fragmented and rapidly changing. We leverage our expertise to manage complexity, reduce risk and drive value through disruptive technologies, so partners can unlock the opportunity and navigate the new routes to market demanded by today’s ever-changing business dynamics. With Westcon NGS, we provide the channel with solutions specifically designed to offer the solutions needed to enable a secure path to digital transformation. Interested resellers can learn more at
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